Thursday, April 3, 2014

3/30: Warrior (Rufous Hummingbird #1)

Dawn. The warrior rises from his nest,
ties round his throat
chainmaille of fish scales
and admires himself in the birdbath.
Fire glints from his wings
as he drives before him
the helpless throngs of gnats
and midges. They perish above
the smooth lawns of suburbia.
The tuberose are trumpets
proclaiming his triumph.
He sups their sweet nectars.
No one will challenge his sword.
Even the chipmunks tremble.

for Marilyn

Here's a silly little poem about rufous hummingbirds. They're tiny and flashy and fierce, and I adore them.  Thanks to All About Birds for educating me so I could completely fabricate stuff about fish scales.

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