Monday, July 21, 2014


Your focus is absolute.
Your sticky fingers cup each apricot, giving it a gentle turn
to find the blush of ripeness. You have not seen the thundercloud
that’s slumping overhead, grumbling with the weight of rain.
The bird calls halt into an urgent stillness. In that hush
the pears become pendulums, the flagpole a sundial,
and Time slides by between canal-banks.
I barely keep from leaping in to gather up the water to my body,
to pile it and hoard it, anything  to hold on to your babyhood,
which has left you while I wasn’t looking, swiftly as the apricots
that ripen overnight.     
Already my memory fails me.
 I know that when I’m older it will wash away
and leave me clutching only silt and this:
a photograph of you at nearly four

running through an orchard in the rain. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014


We are the dregs of the civilized,
the afterbirth of ego;
loitering professionally in libraries,
alchemists of metaphor,
the most artful of liars.
Is a paper offering worthy?
For the makers of stories
are the keepers of all the world’s brothers.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Embracing Chaos

Today's blog topic (hi everyone! I've been gone awhile because I just had a baby) is inspired by a quote from a friend of mine, Enrique Pina, who told me once, "You need rabid foxes and craziness unicorns in your life in order to make sense." He meant that each of us must find a way to face and even embrace the frightening and the absurd, lest their unacknowledged presences warp us. I do this best through writing poems, although trying new and risky things (like skydiving a few years back) helps me explore what frightens me, and interacting with my small children helps me embrace the absurd.

Readers, do you make a conscious effort to do these things? If so, what are your methods?